Emma Kmet

Emma Kmet was born at the turn of the century…last century! She has seen the world change in incredible ways in her 109 years. She grew up in Cleveland, in living Slovak family, and has always remained part of that community.

She went to Lincoln High School, then worked as a secretary at an insurance company. She was at a dance when a young man asked if he “could have the pleasure of sitting out this dance with you” since he did not know how to dance.

That was the beginning of their romance, and Emma and Ed were married in 1941. Back then, a woman stayed home and raised the children when she married, and Emma is grateful that she did not have to go to work.

They had two children, when Ed entered the Navy and was sent to Guam during WWII. When he returned, they had another child, and Emma excelled in the art of home making.

She and her sisters each had a special talent. One was a weaver, another a gardener, a candy maker, and Emma’s area of expertise was sewing.

She loved to learn new things, and if there was a class in the area on something she wanted to know about, she would call her mom to watch the kids, and take the class to develop a new skill.

She served as president of the North Royalton Garden Society for years, and claims she has no favorite flowers, because she finds them all beautiful.

She loved to quilt, and made over 20 full sized quilts, all completely hand stitched. She gave them to her children and other family members, and wishes she had taken pictures of them before she gave them out.

On her wall at the nursing home hangs a large quilt made with images of her life with Ed and her family. She only has to look up to see and remember everything that is most important to her.

Emma says the secret to a long and happy life is rest, keep busy, and enjoy everyone around her. She does just that, and had several other residents stop by to see if she was heading to bingo with them as we finished up our portraits.

Emma truly knows the secret to living a long and happy life.